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Qualified Puppy Sitter

Do you love puppies?  Obviously, we at HPFL do too.  There are times when our recipients need a qualified puppy sitter for their future service dog.  What do we mean by a "Qualified Puppy Sitter?"  Because our recipients' puppies are destined for Service Dog work, we are very cautious about who will sit the puppy when necessary.  We do require our Qualified Puppy Sitters to attend a training course through our program.


The reasons are consistency for the training and safety of the puppy.  The consistency is when the puppy is being sat by someone other than their recipient, we want to keep the behavior training consistent.  We see consistency as highly important for the training of a service dog.  And of course, we want our puppies to be safe from harm as we use no-harm and no-fear training techniques.  In addition, sometimes our puppy could be placed in a situation that could ruin it from future service dog work for our recipient.

If you also wish to puppy-sit other puppies not from Hero's Puppy for Life Organization, our qualification training will provide some creditability for you as well.  Many puppy parents want to know their fur baby is going to be well cared for when they are away.

If you are interested, please click on the "Chat With Us" box on this page and we will return a response to you as quickly as possible. 


HPFL Qualified Canine Trainer

Do you have canine training experience?  We are looking for experienced canine trainers who wish to become certified in the Frank Griggs Relationship Bond Training methodology.  This methodology was created specifically for Hero's Puppy for Life Organization.  You will be required to show proof of training experience, acceptance of and adherence to no-harm and no-fear training, training to learn our methodology, and commitment to Hero's Puppy for Life Organization in return for our certification to use this training program.    This training is available to those outside of Colorado as well.  If you are interested, please click on the "Chat With Us" box and we will respond to you as quickly as possible.

HPFL Trainer Apprentice

Do you have the desire to become a HPFL Qualified Canine Trainer, but lack the experience requirement?  We do offer an opportunity for you to gain that experience in our program.   We will train you in our methodology for training.  You will need to complete the entire training course alongside one of our recipients and be able to prove your ability to train at the end of the apprenticeship.  Be advised though this will not happen overnight and we will require commitment from you, in attendance to training sessions, and to Hero's Puppy for Life Organization after completion.  This opportunity is available virtually as well.  If you are interested, please click on the "Chat With Us" box and we will respond to you as quickly as possible.

HPFL Training Session Assistant

If you have the desire to be a part but don't want to become a qualified trainer, but just wish to help and work with us in the training sessions, this is the opportunity available for you.  All we ask is that you be available to spend time in the training sessions to assist the trainer and our recipient with their puppy.  You could be asked to help in different situations.  If you are in high school and need community service hours, this is a great opportunity.  Particularly if you enjoy puppies.  If you are interested, please click on the "Chat With Us" box and we will respond to you as quickly as possible.

HPFL Administration

As a non-profit organization,  we always have the need for someone to help with our administrative duties.  This assistant can be in the form of data entry, record keeping, acknowledging donations, and general administrative work.  At this time we cannot afford to hire paid staff, so your help would be immensely appreciated in allowing Hero's Puppy for Life Organization to grow in and outside of Colorado.  If you are interested, please click on the "Chat With Us" box, and we will respond to you as quickly as possible.

© 2024 by Hero's Puppy for Life Organization.   Site maintained by Hop Studios

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